Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rain & Hail

Last night the rain came down in full force; forgetting all together that it is actually springtime.

One minute the sky was gray and full of clouds. Then as we drove Matthew looked out the window in amazement as the large puffy white clouds moved quickly across the sky. I had never realized he had not "watched" something as simple as clouds in movement. hailed. If you look closely at the foot of the orchard you will see small white balls of ice. The kids thought it was the most wonderful five minutes of their day. So far, it has been the best five minutes for me as well.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Just a pretty purple plant climbing an ugly old telephone pole. Somehow it turned into something that caught my eye because of it's rich lavender blossoms.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Think back as far as you can and find a memory that just makes you smile deep from within your heart. I am talking one of those one in a million AWESOME MEMORIES.

Did you find it?

One memory that I recall clear as a bell is my Nana taking my brother, sister and I to get a treat from Rite-Aid. There is NOTHING quite like sitting on the curb outside of their store with a big scoop of ice cream! I enjoy passing this memory on to my own children and of course, like every old person does, I repeat the story of how we did this as kids. If I am lucky, they too will pass this story and activity on with their own children some day. Today I felt so lucky that I had my camera to capture this moment.

I hate to admit it, but I am totally going to stage all my kids on a curb with a cup of Rite-Aid ice cream --- and take a picture!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


It is amazing that everywhere I look I see lush rolling hills and trees full of green or blossoms.

Except this orchard. It looks so dead or desperate...or just plain skerry. Of course I had to pull over to the side of this off-the-beaten-path road and take a picture. The baby blue sky in the background is confirmation that this picture was not in the dead of winter but at the beginning of spring!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Knee Socks n' Smiles

Haylee is going to be 15 on April 1st. My oh my do the jokes come because of the "date" of her birth. She is not going to be here on her actual birthday, so last night she had some of her best girlie friends over.

The Plan: girls to wear knee socks, go to Cal Skate, sleep inside trailer, watch scary movies all night while eating tons of unhealthy garbage, eat mini-donettes for breakfast. *awwwwww.... the perfect plan for fifteen year olds!*

Added Adventures: silly pictures in the yard, dog stealing sun glasses, happy meals in the McDonalds drive-thru, teasing 11 year old boys at the skating rink as they act like "older girls", watching Haylee dance with the Red-Box machine outside of a 7-11, and a bonfire outside the trailer.

It's 11AM the next morning and besides tons of consumption of eggs, bacon, and donnettes ----the girls are still in the trailer.

Friday, March 26, 2010


I think photographs should bring forth an emotion. Often the interpretation of what one sees it what makes us like or dislike a photo. I believe that each captured moment should evoke some sort of emotion. I am curious what others see when viewing some of my photos. I wish I understood how others thought about ones such as this particular shot. I am sure the passerby's were wondering what the crazy lady was doing snapping a photo of weeds on a fence?!

My mind sees flowers that are bending and reaching for some sort of escape. They want out. They want to be free. They are captured in. However, the closer they get to their escape, the more their true colors show as they begin to blossom. Little by little....they will make it to where they want to be. And on this day, I captured part of their journey.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Flower Power

These yellow weeds, er... flowers literally span a field of 20 acres. I tried desperately to capture the fluidity of the flowers as they blew in today's warm breeze. No such luck. Not like my mind was hoping anyways. So basically, I didn't catch a darn thing except for two random shots of some weeds. However, I did enjoy playing with the tones and hues a bit though. Obviously it is going to be something I must work on.....But I am cool with that.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sandy Beach

I own a beach house. When you step out on the porch you can see miles and miles of this gorgeous white sand. Sometimes I sit on the large white porch, in my adirondack chair with only a glass of something sweet to keep me company. Here I sit and daydream of rainy days and the adventures of my youth.

Oh I am such a dreamer. This is a shot of the pond in the front of our yard. What is most interesting about this picture is that the water and frothy scum actually looks like sand. So much for owning a beach house.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Postcard From The Past

I reflect in my old persons perspective and think how easily this might have been on an old postcard. I remember looking at old photographs as a kid and thinking that all things literally were black and white during the olden' days.

As an adult with a dose of reality and prospective under my belt, I can reflect to my own past. Many memories are now engraved there...and they are in black and white.

Monday, March 22, 2010


This trailer was sitting in our back yard. I posted it on Craigslist and before the days end I had easily over 30 calls and a ton of emails and text messages. It was gone in the same day. Little ole' ramshakley trailer... hope it enjoys its new home.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


The California Poppy is my second favorite flower. I love their color and the feel of silkiness. As I was driving there were hundreds if not thousands of poppies on the side of a hill. I took a photo of as many as I could, but I just did not see the beauty in it as I did in just the shot of a single poppy.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Where Am I Going?

Camera? Check.
Fiji water? Check.
Cashews? Check.
Freedom to listen to anything on the radio without a kid asking me to change it? Check.

Today I headed out to the Blossom Trail to photograph the beautiful bright blossoms of the Central Valley!
Blossoms on trees? No Check!
Today is the first day of Spring and I think my blossoms just need a few more days before they welcome my intrusion. I did however take a few photographs. Just no fetching blossoms! Maybe I will take a drive next week? Check.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Found A New Barn

I cannot express enough how accidentally I come across new photo "subjects" :) Taking a back road is always an adventure of sorts. Today was a perfect example as I drove down some back roads. I used to drive this route home and sometimes just pulled to the side of the road to veg out my brain after a day of dealing with students. But not today; my drive was purely for the sake of looking for a new place or car or animal or.....ANYTHING.

My find? A new Barn!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


It's been a rough week. Don't ask me because I won't tell anyways. But I will post a picture as promised.

So...just HI

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Pattys Day

Meet Emily Pallesi. She is no doubt, Matthew's bestest little buddy in the whole wide world.

Each week when the mommy's have their koffee klatch these two little ones have a play date. Matthew is barely older than Emily, but she is way taller. I mention this because she always says "Matthew is short, huh?" and "It's cheating to be on his tippy toes, huh?" My son must be getting a complex from his little girl buddy because every day he stands in front of his mirrored closet and asks "I'm getting taller, huh?"

I LOVE this little girlie!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wind Wishers

Look at the beautiful Wind Wishers. Yes, they are weeds. Try convincing this little three year old that they are not flowers. The first 70 degree day and Matthew enjoyed it to it's fullest playing in the yard. I thought the photo of him crouched over would be great to have in black and white because of the old truck in the background. However, the other was just too funny because he was adamant about taking a photo ONLY with the Wind Wisher directly in front of his face!

And what a face it is!

Monday, March 15, 2010


I am finding that running a quick errand benefits me in two ways.

1) I complete my task of shuttling up a kid or buying some milk or whatever random "mom must-do"
2) I complete the much more pleasant task of taking pictures.

The Blossom Trail begins right around the corner from my our elementary school. I have yet to take the long peaceful (and isolated) drive this year. But the urge and timing is here. I will be going any day. I was so inspired last year and look forward to it again, especially with my 365 Day Project! These photos however, are less than a quarter of a mile from the beginning of my impending adventure.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Just a magnificent site.

I was on my way to pick up Haylee from school. The sun was beginning to set. Once again, I pulled to the side of the road. The sun was not quite where I "thought" it should be....neither was my car. I rolled a few feet forward then a few feet back. Then I waited. In a matter of minutes this intense fireball seemed to explode on the other side of the trees.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


There is nothing funnier than catching your children do the simplest and silliest things. Anyone can tell that Jenna is being a very dedicated horse as she pulls Matthew across the yard.
Note how the passenger wisely dons a motorcycle helmet! Safety First!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Do You Know The Muffin Man?

This morning Matthew was my main man in the kitchen. Together we baked blueberry muffins to take to the Koffee Klatch. Usually we buy a breakfast treat to share with my Koffee friends and Matthews bestest play buddy, Emily. But not today. Today was special for Mommy and Matthew: We Baked!

Note the box. Yes, it was a prepackaged mix, but technically I strained the blueberries from the can. So overall, my son enjoyed a total "baking experience"! His favorite part was stirring the berries. And the only mess was when the powder POOFED across his lap because I squeezed the bag too fast due to my ah-ha moment about stopping to capture THIS moment for my blog. With his jaw dropped in shock my little helper pointed out that I was the one who made the mess and asked for some "manners" I apologized.
(Then I ran to grab my camera)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

It is a challenge to make her crawl into bed but once she is there: Sleeping Beauty all the way. It is also one of the most quiet times of the day... This is one of Jenna's favorite "stuffedy" her ratty little pink kitten most creatively name "pinkie."

I showed Jenna this picture only a few moments ago and with a puzzled look she questioned when I took the picture because she "didn't remember"---*grin*

Uh, you were sleeping my little sweet knucklehead.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy 19th Birthday Jaye!

Nineteen years ago.....really? REALLY? It has been THAT long?

Jessica Christine: Her birth was fast, overall easy, but I screamed because I was scared to death. She was 6 lbs. 15 ounces and had the darkest curly hair. Auntie Jenniffer changed her first diaper in the hospital. And this was all sooooo long ago that it amazes me how quickly the time has flown.

This picture was actually from late last year. I chose this picture because she just looks radiant and beautiful. Jaye just moved to Temecula, CA which doesn't seem as far as it is thanks to texting, and FaceBook.

Happy Birthday kid. I love ya, Leaf.

Kids Day 2010

Fairmont Elementary played a huge part in the success of Kids Day. What is Kids Day you non-locals ask: "Since its beginning in 1988, the Kids Day campaign has raised more than $3.75 million for Children’s Hospital. Each year The Fresno Bee donates the proceeds of the Kids Day edition to help support care for kids at Children’s. Kids Day is a joint project between The Fresno Bee, ABC 30 and Children’s Hospital." This year more than 5,000 volunteers helped to raise $427,000 by selling the $1 newspapers (Well this is the dollar amount so far!!)

My contribution was having three teen aged boys stay over with Connor and we headed out by 5AM to get a great location to sell papers. It was COLD (and we know how much I hate to be cold!) The Boys had a great time; I huddled under a blanket for most of it. Great supervision, I know....but it was sooooooooooooo cold! Overall, Sanger collected almost $8000.00 and our elementary played a huge role in the success: just over $2500.00

In the picture with Connor, Mr. Jeff Dailey and one of the buddies, Cooper Short.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Text Book

My name is Kristi and I have an addiction: Education.

I hate being a student, but in a strange way I love it. It keeps my head in the game and on top of important skills such as writing, organization, time management and the list goes on and on. I decided to share a picture of my textbook. I am currently going to school through Keller Graduate School of Management to obtain a Grad Certificate in Educational Technology. Not only do I love taking classes, but I love working in education. I am not currently working and I miss it terribly. I miss having the students call me Mrs. C; motivating them to continue in their education; teaching them about scholarships; having friends around me who see the thrill of of a students self-confidence as they obtain their college degree; the smell of dry erase pens.....

I admit. Some people do not think education is as important as I do. Last night I had a dream (or rather, a nightmare!) that I was taking the toughest written final of my educational career... and I failed. The teacher failed ME and as a result I was given a "C" in my class. In the real world this would devastate me. I would cry. And I mean literally cry. The very first thing I stated when I woke up was that I had a nightmare about failing a class. Luckily I know I have an A but it still was a bad way to start the day!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Path to Somewhere

Such a simple fence. It will be classified as being a part of my "old eyes" collection.
The fence line is one of my favorite photos so far of my blogging experience. Some of you might wonder why? I find the beauty in how simple the fence bends with each natural curve of the ground. The colors and blur effect came out more beautifully than I had expected.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Laughing Animals

Sometimes I think animals look creepy. You have no idea how much I hate cartoon animals that have the computer imposed denture looking smiles. Matthew loved seeing these animals as the two of us took a country drive. He has been talking about emus ever since. They both had such different personalities as I took their pictures. Seriously the emu was staring at us in this threatening "don't mess with me" kinda way....and the horse, well doesn't he look like he is smiling?
Creepy fetching animals!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Goodnight Sun

The crazy mixture of rain storms combined with moments of spring have led to some gorgeous sunsets. They are "perfect" for only a few minutes. I have missed taking pictures of several because my camera was not by my side. The few minutes it would take to grab my camera resulted in an instant change to the contrast of the colors painted across the sky.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

DETOUR: On the way to school

I am not going to lie. I set out to take my kids to school and became very distracted. Matthew asked "Aren't you taking me to school?" Not yet boy, check out those clouds!" I am posting more than one photo today. Maybe two. I dunno, I might post more. *evil grin* But that is where my spirit is! And for some reason, my spirit needs a lift and pictures seem to be the remedy!

Peaceful things.
Old things.

My things.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thank You

Today was a day blanketed in sadness for many people in the Central Valley. Last week a tragic and selfish act took the lives of two men who served our police force. I did not know these men, nor did I know their families. But today as I watched a funeral courageously shared through the local television, my heart felt of sadness and loss. I was reminded that the men and women in uniform are more than protectors of our community; they are parents and friends - to many.
Many businesses showed respect as the flag flown at half staff in mourning for this loss. This photo was taken from the Cal Fire station in Sanger. It was only a few minutes drive from the location of last weeks life changing events.

To those who serve....Thank You.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Just An Arch

I think I am getting a little out of control; I have begun to carry my camera with me everywhere. Even to dinner. This arch is on the outside of a wonderful Indian restaurant in Clovis. I was very hungry but I really wanted to get a picture of this arch. I admit it: I ate my Indian food first then snapped my picture before we drove away!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Peaceful Night

Let me start by confessing that I have already posted today. But my habits are addictive by nature and this blog is not excluded. So here I am again and apparently so are you!

Tonight Jessica packed her little Saturn with all her clothes, shoes and a mini fridge. She is ready to move to Temecula, CA with her good friend. School, growing up, and experiencing life is a mere few hours away for her. Her last chosen meal: my fabulous tacos...and she is ready to go. Moments before we are walking my oldest baby to her car, my youngest baby Matthew runs in yelling about how the sky is on fire! Did I run to shelter my children? No. Did I grab a bucket of water? No. Let's face know what I did: I grabbed my camera. I have no regrets because my son found a gorgeous sunset which he could only describe as fire. I realize that from a photographers perspective there are many obstructions when dissecting this sunset photo. But capturing a moment on film that was magnificent in my three-year-old's eyes makes it a priceless memory.

Especially on a night where I watched my first baby bird fly away from the nest.

What A View

Sanger sits quietly nestled against the foothills. On a clear day the mountains seem only arms length from my own backyard. Today the snow-capped mountains peaked brightly just beyond the nearby orange orchard and vineyard. As I was driving I noticed my co-pilot, trying desperately to take a picture. I say desperately because her attempt was with a cellphone...through a dirty car window... from a speeding suburban.

I appreciate that Jaye can see the simple beauty that lays just outside a car window. I knew it would be a perfect time to stop and snap a picture...with a real camera.