Monday, March 15, 2010


I am finding that running a quick errand benefits me in two ways.

1) I complete my task of shuttling up a kid or buying some milk or whatever random "mom must-do"
2) I complete the much more pleasant task of taking pictures.

The Blossom Trail begins right around the corner from my our elementary school. I have yet to take the long peaceful (and isolated) drive this year. But the urge and timing is here. I will be going any day. I was so inspired last year and look forward to it again, especially with my 365 Day Project! These photos however, are less than a quarter of a mile from the beginning of my impending adventure.


  1. Haven't taken that drive yet this year. Beautiful, bur allergy meds will be needed!

  2. beautiful. just beautiful.
    the fireball, too. but esp. these. wow.
